Special requirements call for special solutions. For Pumpenfabrik Wangen GmbH, Erne Fittings makes rotors for progressive cavity pumps that are used in food and hygiene applications and in biomass transport.
When standard solutions aren’t enough, Erne Fittings works with the customer to develop the right product for their requirements. For example, Erne Fittings worked with Pumpenfabrik Wangen to develop special rotors for progressive cavity pumps.
The rotors are made from 16MnCr5 steel with inside diameters ranging from DN80 to DN145. They are manufactured with a hot forming procedure based on the Hamburg bending process, which allows thick-walled pipes to be shaped to the desired geometry. This method produces rotors that are signifi cantly stronger than the more commonly-used cold forming procedure. The choice of material also provides substantially greater stability.
“Subsequent mechanical processing of the rotors creates a bright metallic surface that provides ideal conditions for achieving the desired degree of hardness, including hardening depth, for demanding agricultural-engineering applications,” says Pumpenfabrik Wangen’s director of material requirements planning.
Based in southern Germany, with its headquarters in the city of Wangen im Allgäu, the company manufactures pumps to transport diffi cult, high-viscosity or abrasive materials that are used in agricultural engineering, industry and municipal applications. The rotor developed for their needs is used in progressive cavity pumps to transport biomass, as well as in food and hygiene applications. “Erne Fittings delivers extremely reliable and high-precision components for these pumps,” according to Pumpenfabrik Wangen.
Thanks to our decades of experience, deep technical expertise and advanced technological abilities, Erne Fittings is the ideal partner for developing customer-specifi c solutions.
Source: www.wangen.com
Erne News 04/2020